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Image of Kelp Extract - 360 Tablets

Kelp Extract - 360 Tablets

An oceanic plant, Kelp 'Laminaria' contains concentrated sources of minerals and nutrients including Iodine, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium and Iron. Kelp is best known for its high Iodine content, a chemical that plays an essential role in the body, providing support for several functions including normal cognitive and psychological functions and in the maintenance of skin. As Iodine cannot be stored by the body it must be obtained regularly via the diet. Healthspan Kelp is sourced from clean unpolluted waters and each tablet contains 180mg standardised Kelp Extract, providing 150mcg of Iodine, 100% of the Department of Health’s recommended daily allowance.

Price: £9.95 from Healthspan

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Healthspan Kelp Extract - 360 Tablets £9.95 Go to shop

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